Nvidia CUDA and graphics drivers
The NVIDIA(R) CUDA(R) Toolkit provides a development environment for creating high performance GPU-accelerated applications. With the CUDA Toolkit, you can develop, optimize and deploy your applications on GPU-accelerated embedded systems, desktop workstations, enterprise data centers, cloud-based platforms and HPC supercomputers. The toolkit includes GPU-accelerated libraries, debugging and optimization tools, a C/C++ compiler and a runtime library to deploy your application.
CentOS 7 x86_64
Find information for the linux distro CentOS x86_64 rpm network installer (yum repo) below.
Other platforms and architectures
Or choose another type from the below link.
Nvidia RUN-file drivers
If the above links doesn't do what you want, you may want to use Nvidia's regular run-file driver installs from here.
Third-party alternatives
An alternative are the third party repacks from ELRepo. These packages work very well in most cases!
Find information on how to use this repo on the below link.
Info compiled from various posts on the CentOS Mailing List.
"The internet"