Articles Article Count:  4
BackupPC Article Count:  1
BackupPC, one of the best open source backup solutions out there!
Bebismanualen Article Count:  1
The Baby Manual, because the baby didn't come with a manual attached, duh.
CV Article Count:  2

If you want to hire me, here is the basic TL;DR information about me!
Want to know more? Call me for an interview!

FAQ Article Count:  53

Not as much a collection of FAQs, as notes for myself. If the world finds this helpful, it's a bonus!

Gallery Article Count:  1
Linux et al Article Count:  144

Linux, is there anything else really?

Me Article Count:  2

Well, about me, obviously.

Misc Article Count:  3

Stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

Motorcycles Article Count:  5

Notes, info and such.

MTB Article Count:  2

Mountainbikes, because there are no other better bikes!

yielding yielding
News Article Count:  27

Focused on me and this site of course!

Projects Article Count:  1

These are some of the projects I like to spend time on. The project areas may differ wildly as my interests vary over time.

Project Honeypot Article Count:  1
Project Honeypot, helping to make this a better spamfree world!
Site Article Count:  5
Stories Article Count:  2

Stories about various subjects that are of interest to me.

Stop Spam Harvesters, Join Project Honey Pot


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