My linux computer has a very low screen resolution. How do I fix that?
This fix assumes CentOS 6 x64, running a Nvidia Geforce gfx-card and using the elrepo kmod-nvidia gfx-drivers.
- Connect your monitor straight to the computer, ie do not use a KVM-switch between them.
- Start NVIDIA X Server settings-applet.
- Click CRT-0.
- Click Aquire EDID.
- Save it to the desktop and note the name.
- Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and in the Screen section add
Option "CustomEDID" "CRT-0:/root/Desktop/edid.bin" - Save and exit.
- Connect your monitor and computer to the KVM-switch.
- Reboot computer.
- Enjoy the new high resolution.
Thanks to Fredrik Svensson for researching this!